Lets talk…’Self Love’

It is half term for me so I’m in between juggling work, holding space for my incredible clients and entertaining my two children.

Something that has been cropping up a lot lately in client sessions is Self love and what that looks and feels like. The conversations around this are always enlightening and fascinating.

For some of us Self love is a trip to the shops on our own, a hot bath or even a coffee shop date with a friend; but what never comes up is the love we feel for ourselves.

Self love has been publicised as beauty treatments, spa days, new clothes or shoes; whilst all of this is wonderful and lovely to do, it doesn’t actually reflect how we see or even speak to ourselves on a daily basis.

We are always chasing that dopamine high of self love through the above and that high simply doesn’t last; its a quick fix.

You see if we are speaking about ourselves in a negative way, putting ourselves down, never putting ourselves first, this ultimately has a damaging effect on our mind health.

We then end up getting overwhelmed, overstimulated, stressed and anxious. We NEED to learn to treat ourselves the way we do our loved ones.

So lets look at what I believe Self love is?

Self love is giving ourselves the same love, compassion and attention we give our loved ones.

Self love is speaking to ourselves with respect and love even when we break a glass.

Self love is knowing when to rest our mind and body.

Self love is saying no and creating healthy boundaries for ourselves.

Self love is asking for help and knowing its ok to be vulnerable.

Self love is knowing that everything you need is within.

Self love is knowing who you are, standing in your POWER, speaking your truth and loving you.

So let me ask you and have a think about this; do you practise any of the above?

Perhaps you have 1 or 2 in place or all of them or none of them, whatever your answer is keep reading.

My gift to you this week is telling you to give yourself an hour. An hour of quiet to read a book, journal or even nap; and at the beginning of this hour I want you to put a hand on your heart and one on your tummy and take some deep breathes. In for 4 and out for 8; and ask yourself, what do you need right now?

Perhaps is it some of the practises I spoke about above, perhaps it is something different entirely; the more in tune and self aware we become the easier it is to implement the above self love practises into our day to day lives.

It is your time to tune in and listen to what your inner child, your body and intuition need.

I am wishing you all a beautiful weekend full of rest and joy.

Love & light,

Nicole xXx

Written by Nicole Grant - February 21st 2025


Lets talk… ‘Becoming a Mummy’