Take some time for you with this 90 minute session where we focus in on one particular area that is affecting your life right now.
Within this session, you will feel held, listened too and be free to open up and talk, really talk. Through the power of talk we shall uncover wha’ts going on beneath the surface and work this using energy healing such as EFT.
You will leave feeling lighter, freer and more empowered than before.
This 90 minute session works perfectly if you have a specific area in your life that needs clearing. Throughout this time you will be guided to talk. There is so much power in talking, in releasing what is within us, most of the time what we haven’t been able to express before.
Throughout the session we will use healing energy known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to clear the trauma, upset, heartbreak within. EFT is incredible powerful at releasing what doesn’t serve us. When we let go of deep rooted anger, upset, trauma we free ourselves from anxiety, depression and dis-ease within our bodies.